coordinated care

美 [koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪtɪd ker]英 [kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪtɪd keə(r)]
  • 网络协调护理;协调性服务
coordinated carecoordinated care
  1. Patient-centered , timely , coordinated care .


  2. Because of we do not have the care insurance , and the welfare system is not perfect . So , it is also very tight to improve the welfare system for the elderly , decentralized medical risks , and improve the coordinated care system .


  3. In the usual nursing work , we coordinated the clinical care to take some positive effective nursing measure , has made the satisfactory progress .


  4. Medical care is public and industrial when the wto aspects are coordinated , basic medical care for the public can be provided and industrial operation of non - basic medical care can be realized as well .
